
fbq('track','Purchase',currency:USD,value:30.00});.Ifyoucalledthatfunction,itwouldbetrackedasapurchaseeventintheEventsManager:Youcan ...,CurrencyCodes.MarketingAPIsupportsallofthecurrencies...EachcurrencyhasanoffsetwhichspecifieshowFacebookshouldhandleitssub-divisions.,However,Ithinkisbestpracticetoaddcurrencyeverytimeyouusevalue,inordertoavoidanypossibleconfusions.HowtocorrectlycalculateFaceb...

Conversion Tracking - Meta Pixel

fbq('track', 'Purchase', currency: USD, value: 30.00});. If you called that function, it would be tracked as a purchase event in the Events Manager: You can ...

Currency Codes - Marketing API

Currency Codes. Marketing API supports all of the currencies ... Each currency has an offset which specifies how Facebook should handle its sub-divisions.

Facebook Pixel Conversion Value Tracking

However, I think is best practice to add currency every time you use value, in order to avoid any possible confusions. How to correctly calculate Facebook pixel ...

Facebook 像素轉換事件的貨幣轉換問題Currency convert issue

2021年7月15日 — 基於主題默認轉換幣種匯率為1,如果您在您的商店使用多種貨幣,我們建議您使用Conversion Bear 的Currency Converter Bear,以便我們支持轉換您的廣告 ...

how to make currency work in Facebook pixel, if ...

2021年12月15日 — My question is very simple, there is a list of the currencies which is accepted by Facebook pixel ads, but my currency is not there I am ...

Resources to Set Up Dynamic Value and Currency of Your ...

You can set a specific value and currency for your Meta Pixel standard events to help you measure your return on ad spend. If you have multiple values that ...

Set the value and currency of your Meta Pixel standard ...

The default value and currency in the standard event (purchase) code is $0.00 USD, but you can edit this to reflect the true value of your conversions.

Specifications for Meta Pixel standard events

For example, landing on a Thank You or confirmation page. fbq('track', 'Purchase', value: 0.00, currency: 'USD'});. Schedule, The booking ...